Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday means new HIMYM Episode!

Haven't gotten a chance to watch it yet, but you can see it here!

Season 6 Episode 8 “Natural History”


  1. Best episode of this season and off the top of my head better than anything from last season.

    Even though it had no building towards the Mother (I capitalize it because I want to, ok?) it had some pretty big mythology building for Marshall and Barney.

    Also, Ted saying all the PG-rated bad words while Marshall and Lily were speaking was a great bit.

  2. haha, i only watch this show because NPH is in it.

  3. I hate that show with the fury of a thousand suns.

  4. I used to be so into this show, but I just fell off from tv around season 2

  5. I liked the marathon episode, that was pretty funny. NPH!!!

  6. This show is good, I've seen it a couple of times!

  7. In Antiochus and his daughter you have heard Following!

  8. I need opinions on women with unspeakably high standards in men. I want to show this girly what the internet thinks. Please help me help her see the light, or if I am in the wrong please help me see the light because this girl is out of her mind... at least in mine.
